Weird back problem...?

I've had this annoying pain/strain in my back left abdomen. My doctor passed it off as a muscle strain of some sort. I have doubts that it's a strain because it's been annoying me for six months now. He did also say that strains or pulls can last awhile. I've been dancing like normal, so IF it is a muscle strain, maybe that irritated it more? Just recently, it's been acting up. I also took a urine test, to make sure nothing was wrong with my kidneys, and it came out fine. It only bothers me when I move in certain positions, and sometimes when I sit or lay wrong. It kind of feels like my side is congested and needs a really good stretch. Does anyone have any thoughts on what this could be? Thanks!


  • it's very likely nerve interference from upper neck misalignment. see an hio method chiropractor for correction.

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