Which video game console do you prefer?

It can be all consles it can be the SEGA, NES, SNES, nintendo 64, gamecube, wii, xbox, xbox360, playstation, ps2 and the ps3. It doesnt matter. I want to hear all opinions


  • Overall fav would have to be the N64 it was the first console I bought with my own money instead of nagging parents. Plus all the games were great from Banjo Kazooie to the likes of Goldeneye and Turok. The controllers were near perfect only the Dreamcast controllers come close to beating it. The Mulitplayer games were great and could play for hours with 3 other mates. The games may have been expensive but it didn't matter.

    Its the only old gen console I still own and play regularly.

  • PS3. I own a WII, PS3, and PS2 and i prefer PS3. Game play for games are better and the graphics are so much more amazing. I would definitely prefer a PS3. Hope this helped.

  • i currently own a wii and a ps2. but since they arent really making games for the ps2 anymore, im seling it and buying a ps3 today.

  • 360 any problems with the console they will fix it 4 free or at least they have with me more and more DLC is xbox360 only so that a plus large library of old games for downloading

  • PS2 MAN!

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