Does my dog have distemper?

Hi, I got this little 4 month old min. Poodle day before Thanksgiving at the shelter. The day after Thanksgiving is the last time she really ate. She may have picked here and there, but not really eaten. I took her to the doctor three days after Thanksgiving and he ran tests, no parvo, no parasites. Gave me antibiotics and sent me on my way, 200.00 later. By Thursday I was becoming more and more concerned so I took her back to the shelter and they gave me stronger antibiotics. Two days later, she had blood in her stools. Since she really hasn't eaten, some of the stools were just blood. I took her back to the shelter and they said she has the symptoms of distemper and put her down. I left there, and took her to the vet. They said she probably has distemper and wanted about 1,500 to keep her in the hospital and give her antibiotics and force feed her for a couple of days. Right now, I have her isolated in a room where I am still giving her the antibiotics and trying to foce


  • Could be Parvo, Corona, Lepto, Parafluenza, or Distemper.

    Talk to your vet about home treatment. Your pup needs SQ fluids,Metronidazole, Famotadine, continue the antibiotics, Pedialyte, plain white rice, plain boiled chicken, yogurt, and lots of TLC! At 4 months it is very possible that your puppy will make it no matter what disease she has!

  • She needs to be tested for PARVO. Parvo is treatable, I do not know who your vet is but we do not charge that much, and if she has had a DISTEMPER/PARVO vaccination, than whoever gave her the vaccination should have warranted the vaccine to prevent the parvo....I would call or go to a different vet or find out what vet gave her the vaccine and ask them why they are not warrantying the vaccine, unless she was never taken back for her boosters as she should have been.

  • If you can give her antibiotics through drip , no oral food. Make sure there no other dogs or cat with her. You should sue your vet.

    If you can manage the antibiotic dossage through drip your dog may survive. If you want any further assitance you, WIsh you all the luck

  • if you got the pup from the shelter it should have been given shots before you took him home

    and tested for what ever sorry to here about your sad story hope all goes well for you

  • I'm really sorry to say it but i looked up symptoms and the things you were saying was some of them, so most likely.

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  • yea she does

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