True or False?

Elements can create substances that are made of only one type of atom.

If you answered true, please give an example of one of these substances.

If you answered false, please explain why not.


  • ...Let's see if I can analyze that question.


    Ah, I think I understand. The question is, apparently, whether there are substances that are made up out of only one element. The answer is 'yes'; you're breathing at least three of them right now (Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon).

  • True: the element Hydrogen bonds with atoms of itself making H2, the element oxygen bonds with atoms of itself making O2, the element carbon bonds with atoms of itself making diamond, graphite or buckminsterfullerene depending on the formation, there are loads more.

  • Apart from the fact that elements in themselves don't create anything, diamonds only consist of carbon atoms.

  • True.

    Graphite is carbon. So are diamonds.

    Iron is iron, etc.

  • True, transforming siborfronts elieviates moltrins and confixiates two gelabriaters from iporlaxtrivatours into one. Example, if you bysectamite two quertrestoriters they George into one mitropuelatir.

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