Who is EJ Dimera's real daddy?

Not only that who is his mother? And how could this have happened? I can't wait to see who EJ real parents are. I still don't see why Stephano is disowning him because EJ is not his biological son. Lexie is not his biological child either, which is quite obvious. He still loves her as his real daughter, so why is EJ any different? I heard Tony Dimera was not his real son either.


  • Stephano is Lexi's real father. Celeste is the mother and Stephanos is the father. I am wondering how they are going to change the story line on EJ's conception. Susan his mother was artificially inseminate with Stephanos sperm. Who else's sperm would have been used? This is going to drag out forever.

  • Ej Dimera

  • EJ's daddy will be John. Susan was Kristin's impersonator, (not sister or any relation.) Susan was sought out to fool John because Kristin had miscarried and didn't want to tell John. She was afraid John would go back to Marlena if he knew she wasn't pregnant. She masqueraded with padding and they found dead-ringer Susan to impersonate her. She did a good job because John "bought-it" and impregnated Susan, next.. Some time too late, Stefano had Susan impregnated with supposedly Stefano's sperm. John had already been THERE and done THAT. It was so funny. Stefano dressed up as Elvis to fool Susan into letting him impregnate her. That's why EJ is named Elvis JR

    They overkilled the story line having Eileen Davidson play 5 people at the same time. (Kristin, Susan, the nun, the brother, and another floozy sister of Susan's) funny stuff worth seeing!

    The part about Stefano rejecting EJ on paternity makes no sense. He was always shooting blanks and everyone was adopted. Lexie wasn't, but who knows in the future she might be. He would love to flaunt to John that he corrupted his little darling EJ. He has much more to gain than lose by keeping EJ, as his son.

    So keep EJ a dastardly devil! Get a backbone for Chad, and with his new guy's haircut he could really do some damage around Salem. Go for it Chad!

  • I want to know who the real parents are also. I think he disowns ej now because he's in shock from just finding out that he isn't son. I believe that stephano doesn't want someone that isn't blood related to run the family. So I think the younger son will take ej's place. As far as lexi, she's stephano's daughter. Stephano had her with a black woman, remember. That's why she has her "obvious" brown skin. I want to know how stephano found out about ej not being his son.

  • I don't know, but the writers better come up with something really really good. I also hate the way they are rewriting the history of the characters.

    Giving people new parents, is that really necessary? It shows a lack of creativity with the writers, they can't come up with some good and original for story lines.

    I still think EJ's mother is Susan Banks. I thought Lexie was his bio daughter. Did I miss something over the years?

  • I believe that John will turn out to be EJ's father. My theory is that while John was either married to or engaged to Kristin, Susan--Kristin's sister pretended to be Kristin and slept with John thereby producing EJ.

    Lexi is the daughter of Stefano because Stefano had an affair with Lexi's mother long ago. His adopted children included Kristin, and Peter Blake, and Tony. He also had a son Benji but am not sure if he was his biological son or not.

  • I think Susan (or Kristen I don't remember which) is his mother and John will end up being his father. Lexi is his biological daughter. I thought Tony was his son too but there was a cousin who looked just liked him and impersonated Tony for a while. I don't know this show is so confusing. Remember whem EJ first showed up his last name was Wells and he raced cars? Then suddenly he was a lawyer, now he's a politician. Its crazy.

  • i agree I think that John will turn out to be daddy. To Joel Stephano found out from the security box that had the two secrets in it.

  • I also think its John, and Lexie is Stefano is her real father. Her mother Celest and Stefano were close.Im wondering who Lexie's half brother's father is Cameron. I think Susan Banks is his mother and somehow she must of tricked Stefano into thinking that EJ is his son.K2

  • OMG, all these convoluted storylines are making my head hurt! My vote is for creepy John Black since they hate him so much.

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