Does Scar Tissue Revert?

I am considering a procedure for my sleep apnea called "somnoplasty." The procuedure shrinks the base of the tongue by scarring it using radiofrequencies or microwaves. By reducing the size of the tongue base, breathing is eased, and apnea incidents are less frequent.

My question is: does scar tissue generally revert in time - will this solution most likely only be temporary? Please let me know your thoughts and thanks.


  • I am not familiar with the procedure you are considering although I can tell you the only way to get rid of scar tissue is to have it cut out. Remember anytime you have any type of surgery and there is an incision, scar tissue will form each time.

  • I understand that it's permanent. My associate says recovery is painful and the results weren't phenonamal and he wouldn't do it again, glad you're investigating.

    A newly designed mouthpiece has just been released. It holds the chin forward while you sleep thus keeping the throat open.

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