Naruto Episode Help!?

Does anyone know the episode number of the part where Ino blushes and thinks of Sasuke when she's talking to Chouji? I've been looking and can't find what number it is. It'll be a HUGE help if anybody knows. Please and Thankyou.


  • I think it is episode 108.

    108 Bitter Rivals and Broken Bonds:

    Kakashi intervines with the fight and stops it, but Sasuke isn't too happy about it. He sees that Naruto's attack was stronger than his, and he's beginning to question his own growth. Also, a mysterious group of sound ninja have infiltrated Konoha, their target: Sasuke! Meanwhile, Sakura agrees to go on a date with Naruto, but the real reason is because she needs to tell Naruto about Sasuke and Orochimaru!

    Naruto Rocks!!!!!

  • episode 24-32 i guess or when they were in the processess of the chuunnin exams!

  • man, i'm pretty sure that episode was SOOOOOO long ago. i say try and look in the earlier Naruto episodes! LOL! HOPE THIS HELPS!

  • sry don't know. Try googling it!

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