how do colleges put you in a dorm?

do they put you in a dorm closest to your place that you will be learning?'

is it random? or can you request?

do they split by major?


  • College do not look at any of the factors that you said. It would take way to long for them to try to figure out where to accurately fit everyone and it would be a big mess. Someones you just have to walk the extra distance to the next class.

    They cannot put someone closest to the place they are learning cause depending on there major they could first go to the science lab that could be right next to your dorm and next class be psychology and it could be on the other side of campus and next class be a music class and be right in the center.

    Also college usually have dorms for say freshman and coed. You can request to be bunked with your friend, but will hardly ever let you choose a certain floor or room number. If you don't like your room at first then you can also request to be moved.

    They do not choose by major. My roommate was a psychology major and I was going for computer design. he had different classes then me and was a sophmore and I was a freshman.

    Its basically all random.

  • lol. No not by major or where your classes are.

    You can request a room mate, and that person must request you to room together. You can request a dorm building and they will try to put you in it.

    they have freshman dorms and floors that have more upper class-men. Some colleges have all female/male dorms or floors. Students who already there have more of a choice of what dorm to stay in. Housing tries to honor your requests but they have thousands of students and it is not always possible to give you what you ask for.

  • Random. My daughter was telling me today she was all over the place in her high heel shoes so her feet hurt because she dressed up today. And also there are several housing options where my daughter goes, halls, suites, and apartments, and depending on what you pick makes a difference too. My daughter chose the apartments and they are on the grounds but she has to drive over to where the classes are.

  • All of these methods are used. Some colleges use other methods. It really varies among colleges.

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