Do police departments prefer Marine or Army veterans over Navy vetarans?

What I am asking is would a former Marine or Army soldier have the upper hand or an advantage in the hiring process compared to a Navy veteran?

I am considering joining the US Navy and plan on getting a criminal justice degree while I am enlisted and want to become a police officer after I retire from the Navy. Do Navy veterans get the same level as respect as a Marine or Army soldier, or will a person who is a former Marine get the job before a Navy veteran?

Please, any information is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • No. Choose whatever branch you want to join. For the most part, being a veteran is what can help you get a police officer job. Veterans get extra points on civil service tests. Some police departments that require applicants to have college will waive some or all of their college requirements for veterans. Also, some people simply like to hire qualified veterans whenever they get the chance to. If you want to become a police officer, you should also get a college degree. Getting a college degree is one of the best things that you can do if you want to become a police officer. Getting police officer jobs is becoming more and more competitive. Do whatever you can to make yourself the best candidate that you can. Best of luck!

  • In general for medium to large departments they could care less.

    They only care that you have 4 or more years in if the require 60 or so semester hours of college and you do not have the hours. Then you can substitute your military (or Coast Guard) time for college.

    I am sure some Sempre Fi police chief of a 3 man department in the middle of nowhere is going to prefer and Marine but no one else really cares.

    In some states that still have a civil service test before yu can take the department's test for hire you get a few extra point if you are a veteran, even a 2 year guy.

  • Don't get your degree in criminal justice, all they care is that you have a degree in something does not have to be CJ. They provide you with everything you need to know anyway in the academy. Say couple years down the road you decide you don't like law enforcement, then you have a degree to fall back on that is not criminal justice.

  • some do. Being a veteran can provide help to get regulation enforcement officer jobs. Veterans get better factors on civil provider assessments and decision for federal jobs. some regulation enforcement businesses that require applicants to have college will waive some or all of their college standards for veterans. additionally, for various motives, some human beings only opt to employ qualified veterans on each and every occasion they get the possibility to.

  • They don't care about military as much as they do a four year degree in something other than criminal justice

  • All are very highly regarded in the police force and would very likely hire you at any of those positions.

  • they dont care about any of those,

    pass the civil service test with a high score and you're in

  • No, departments don't have preference. They like the discipline that the military teaches a person.

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