Is homosexuality a developmental disorder?

Hi, I dont know ANYTHING about homosexuality. AT ALL.

I know a lot of gay people, and the gay personality traits. Heck, I've been to a gay bar, I've seen it all... Including the whole drag queen culture.


I've noticed a LOT of people hate me for it. But is it really my fault I don't understand??? I'm not homosexual, which is why I don't understand. Yet people still will yell at me when I try to explain to myself what I think homosexuality is, or where it comes from?

I'm not against homosexuals getting married! Honestly, I couldn't care less if a person marries their car, or the Eiffel tower, it's none of my business, and all people under law in the US have equal rights to what ever they want to do as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. There's no harm against me with homosexual marriage.

BUT I STILL don't understand what homosexuality is??? I get that it's attraction to the same sex. Or apparently both sex (which imo, just seems like someone addicted to sex period (aka will get with anyone that moves)! lol). I know the whole LGBTQ definitions. I just don't understand how homosexuals are or become what they are, because it's not 100% genetics thats for sure (nothing in this world is 100% genetics). What are the other factors??

All I'm asking for is an explanation.. because it's maybe one of those things I would have to be to understand.


  • People never become gay.

    Let's put it this way, you never became straight right? Neither did gay people. You both were just always that way. You can't change it at all. You never choose it either. You can't choose who you're attracted to and neither can anyone else. There's no factors for being gay or straight. And no bisexuals aren't obsessed with sex, that's a rude statement towards them. They just like both and can't help it. I think it's better to be open minded anyways. There's a study that homosexuals have been around a certain chemical while as a fetus. Hence the "born that way" term. . It's you are who you are and that's that. It's simple really, you're over thinking too much.

    If homosexuality is a disorder than so is heterosexuality.

  • Current science suggests that homosexuality is mostly genetic, with the environment of the mothers womb playing a BIG role. There's a lot of different theories for genetics, research it if you care enough.

    That said, I believe society can also play a role. If you look at ancient Greece and Rome, it was pretty accepted with a few rules on how things work, also if you look at some Tribes today where homosexuality is accepted as well.

    It's bisexuals who are attracted to both sexes, and don't bother with the "sex addicts" rubbish, you just come off as a douchebag rather than having genuine curiosity.

  • Maybe I can nutshell it for you. Are you listening? Why is it.......the ONLY people that say homosexuality is a choice, a disorder or a result of child abuse or rape.......are STRAIGHT???? In other words, they have no idea what myself or billions of people on the planet have known and felt since we were born for thousands of years did and do? They have no first hand knowledge. You guess, you come to conclusions because you don't "understand" and you pass judgment because of centuries old, brow beaten bias and hatred that it is somehow wrong. If it wasn't for societal tags, there'd be no split. It's natural to the people involved.

    Addenda: Thanks. Exactly what I expected. A thumbs down,knuckle dragger response to a mouth breather question. You've proved my point. I know it's tough...but read a stinkin' book every now and then.

  • I find your comment: "Or apparently both sex (which imo, just seems like someone addicted to sex period (aka will get with anyone that moves)" extremely offensive. It is as if you think it people who are not heterosexual are obsessed with sex and kinky scenes. I find both men and women attractive and have never engaged in casual sex and am in a monogamous relationship.

    Since you are not GLBT, you will never understand, period. It is the same chemistry that happens in GLBT bodies, just like when you see a man you find attractive. We are all human beings.

    How can you be sure it isn't 100% genetics? No one really knows for sure. I can tell you I have been attracted to both sexes for as long as my memory goes back.

  • What's there to "get"? Some people are more attracted to their own gender. That's it.

    And no, it's not a "mental disorder". Not only that, it's impossible to "pray the gay away".

  • I'm 100% with you! I'm not against homosexuality at all, but I just think it's something psychological and not something natural.

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