Can I license transfer my xbox content?

I am thinking about buying a new xbox 360 soon. But I was wondering if I could license transfer an already license transferred item again. Example; I license transferred Minecraft from my friend, can I license transfer it onto my new xbox?


  • The license transfer works every 4 months (120 days).

    It transfers licenses for everything on a gamertag (not console), so if you bought Minecraft then you can transfer it, but if it's under your friend's gamertag then you can't.

    Microsoft has been known to ban accounts and consoles for using license transfers to copy games like this, so you really shouldn't be doing it.

  • first off, the license transfer tool only works once every three or four months, and if you transfer them to a new console you plan on getting, it will transfer ALL licenses ( including that stupid Minecraft ) this will make it so your friend can no longer play it. and if xbox catches on to what you are doing - be aware you and your friends account can be banned.

  • License flow in reality helps you to replica any document you desire out of your xbox and paste it into his. dont situation you wont lose the document which you incredibly desire to flow it will merely replica itself and paste it into his xbox. yet use it properly you may basically license flow as quickly as each 4 months

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