How does low self-esteem damage a persons life?


  • It destroys your confidence. And confidence plays a huge role in most things in life, eg. taking risks, having healthy realionships, motivation to improve your life and yourself. Basically, you don't feel you're worthy of these things, and you believe you don't have the abilty to go for it.

    Low self-esteem may cause people to be overly self-concious and critical of themselves. In relationships, people may be afraid of getting close to a person and having to open up about themselves, because of their fear of rejection due to their belief that who they are isn't good enough. It could also cause an inferiority complex.

    A low self esteem can eventually mount to self hate, which causes depression. And when that happens, you feel there's no point in doing anything anymore.

  • Low self esteem an cause one to withdraw from what we consider everyday problems and

    everyday people. Identifying the root cause of such depression is vital in overcoming this

    very dangerous emotion. Different people do act, once pushed to their mental limit, in different

    ways.The tell tell signs of this are very important in understanding and helping someone before it's

    too late. This can happen at any age and is very common today in world society. These people

    are in need of help before it's too late. If you know anyone like this do not shun them but

    offer your friendship and help convince them to seek professional help. Teenagers in school

    can talk to their teachers or guidance counselors and they will aide the individual in getting

    proper help. In the work environment, stress and indignation by a co-worker or supervisor can

    lead to such instability of emotion. A concern hand of friendship and a soothing word to the

    individual would give an idea as to his state of mind. If he or she rejects you and your friend-

    ship then help on a professional level is surly needed. Some people do not know how to handle

    anxieties. They must be helped to find a way to cope that is not harmful to themselves or to

    others. Remember people act in different ways so be always aware around you of your friends,

    co-workers, neighbors and family members. Please help them and do not turn away as this is

    how they cry for help and comfort. Revenge from one so withdrawn and angry can be catastrophic

    to the point of no return.....Thanks for bringing to the attention this most important question...

    that we all must learn to understand and prepare can seem so cold and hard to many...

    knowing how to cope is the key....

  • well.,first self esteem is very important to ones living,why?it's because if you dont have a self esteem you are lack of confidence especially to your self and towards others..w/out self esteem can damage your whole life due to its capacity to deny to yourself that you have many other important things to do...and as human we have to develop a positive thoughts to our life and to live a better person...

  • It slows down their success.

    They are scared to challenge themselves into competitions and winning prizes, they are scared to express themselves, they think they are not sociable, they think they have no luck in money and love, they do not think they are worthy of anything. It's a pretty miserable existence.

  • well you may not think you're worthy of love and may therefore remain single forever, or you may think you're only worth being f***** but not in a relationship so you may sleep around.

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