Do Infantry Tactics differ from country to country?

I mean for example,

Would the US military be trained to use different techniques in areas like CQB, and combat formations as apposed to say Russia.

basically im trying to figure out weather the democratic Allies such as America,Canada,UK, Australia ETC use the same tactics as each other.

Or is the same thing taught throughout the world

or does each country have there own ways of doing ****.


  • Concepts are largely the same, but I've done some CQB cross training with the Brits and their execution is a little different. Some of it's due to equipment and terminology, but it's generally pretty similar. It's like the idiom, there's more than one way to skin a cat...endstate is the same but execution can vary

  • the democratic allies generally train their troops in the same way, with exceptions to spec ops. yet each nation has their own ways depending on their environment and budget

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