verbal problem?

Joan's compact disc player has a setting called"random" that plays the songs on a particular compact disc in any random order. If she is playing a compact disc with 7 songs, what is the probability that the order of the songs will be the exact same order as the order given on the compact disc(1-7)

well, this isn't written very easy to undersatand, does it mean the probability that the order of the songs will be exact same order as 1 to 7? or the probability of the arrangement of different orders? please explain its cannotation to me! in fact, is very bad writing in my opion.


  • See, there are 7! ways that songs are arranged in the compact disk

    but u want them in a specific order

    so, probability is 1/7!=1/5040

  • its asking what is the probability that first number 1 will be played, then number 2, then number 3, then number 4, and then 5, and then 6, and then 7.

  • there is only one way to play the songs in proper order. How many other orders are there that they can be played in. Remember that each numeral is available in each position.

    the probability is the ratio between these two numbers

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