my computer is running into a problem!?

so my computer keeps overheating (or so i think) its only on the side that has the fan. It hasn't ever stopped my laptop from working but its makes it work very very slow. what should i do? it keeps getting worse every day


  • If it's a Dell laptop, trying looking into the freeware program I8kfanGUI. It will control your fans so they run at a higher speed, thus keeping your laptop cool and preventing overheating. My laptop is a powerhouse and it's prone to overheating if I don't enable the program, but once it's on, it does its job.

  • could also be dirty inside. If you've had the computer for 6 months or more and have never cleaned the dust out....that will cause your computer to overheat as well... I had an overheating problem after having my laptop for 1 year. never cleaned it. opened it up and litterally got a hand full of dust/hair as if i just combed a shedding cat for 20 minutes straight. im suprised my computer didnt catch on fire.

  • allow your laptop fan to cool your laptop by opening the side that has fan

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