Atheists: why you seem so desperate to spread lies?
You say that homosexual marriage is legitime, but it ISN'T.
You say that the fetus is not a living being, then you can abort the baby.
You say that premarital sex is harmless, but it ISN'T.
You say that masturbation is good for health, but it ISN'T.
And most of all, you say that Evolution is true, but it ISN'T.
We did not "evolve", get over it!
And why are you here in YA! R&S? always so eager to fight us the "ignorant" christians.
If what we say is so pointless then why are you always attacking us?
It seems that you spend more time thinking about God than much of the christians, why? do you seek support from other atheists to help you stay firm in your position of disbelief?
Update:@Cora: what?
FTR I'm NOT an Atheist.
However I respect Atheists, I've done volunteer with many - & found the experience a lot more positive than those who's motivation is more to buy their way to heaven.
ALL the Atheists I know just wish to be left alone - NOT to have some arrogant aggressive git seem to think they are a valid target for abuse, rudeness and bible bashing because they believe differently to them.
Christ accepted those who were different to him - shame you cannot be more Christ-like.
Well I'm not so insecure in my faith that I see "difference" is not automatically "evil".
I KNOW that Atheists are not a threat to myself, my faith OR my lifestyle.
1: I don't lie. I see no point. I don't do anything I know is wrong and lies are always found out. Besides, I have nothing to answer for.
2: Marriage is a social institution, not the sole possession of religion. This makes it government, not the church that regulates it. That said, it causes NO HARM. It is a normal variant of sxuality in social animals.
3: A fetus is not able to live on it's own until very near the end of gestation. Until then it isn't really alive. I don't approve of abortion, but I don't have the right to tell anyone else what to do with their body.
4: Premarital sex is as harmless as sex within marriage. The effects are caused by the responsibility of the people involved, not the timing of the act.
5: Masturbation is VERY good for your health. A) It is the ONLY sexual activity that is 100% safe, no diseases. It is not going to hurt anyone, or put anyone in a situation they can't deal with (provided the paticipant chooses a private area).
6: Evolution is a FACT, a LAW (Dollo's law etc), and there is the THEORY to explain it all. The fact that you choose to be ignorant has no effect on the truth of evolution, just your potential in life.
7: I come here, and others like me, so drivel like this does not go unchallenged, so some poor kid with a legitimate question doesn't hear this and erroneously assume your are right, or even that you have a point. I'm here, not to mock you, or even "prove you wrong," I'm here so that people reading this know that there are more ideas than some old guy and his musty book have.
Indoctrination is harmful, seek help, you can be "saved".
>why you seem so desperate to spread lies?
Hmm, which lies are these exactly?
>You say that homosexual marriage is legitime, but it ISN'T.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'legitime'. That said, I see no good reason why homosexual couples should be denied the same legal recognition and protection accorded to heterosexual couples.
>You say that the fetus is not a living being
No, I don't.
>You say that premarital sex is harmless, but it ISN'T.
Sometimes sex is harmless. Sometimes it isn't. However, I see no good reason why the deciding factor would be something so completely arbitrary and ceremonial as marriage. If two sane, responsible, consenting adults have safe recreational sex, that doesn't somehow suddenly become harmful just because there isn't a document saying they are married to each other.
>You say that masturbation is good for health, but it ISN'T.
The latest studies I've heard of indicate that it is. Particularly for men (since it reduces their risk of prostate cancer). Of course, it can be harmful in excess, but you could say that about almost anything.
If you think you have substantial evidence suggesting that the harmful effects of masturbation are at least as great as the benefits, then by all means, present it to us. I would be interested in seeing it.
>And most of all, you say that Evolution is true, but it ISN'T.
I do not say that evolution is true. Evolution is not the sort of thing that could be 'true' or 'false'. It is the sort of thing that either works, or does not work. In the real world, it works. Thus, the statement 'evolution works' is true. That statement is not the same thing as evolution itself.
>We did not "evolve"
As a species (and on numerous other levels besides), yes, we did.
>And why are you here in YA! R&S? always so eager to fight us the "ignorant" christians.
I am not fighting ignorant christians. On the contrary, I want to help educate ignorant christians (and ignorant people in general, for that matter).
>It seems that you spend more time thinking about God than much of the christians
Hmm. I don't mean to give that impression. Obviously I will be thinking about God when writing replies to questions in a section clearly labeled Religion & Spirituality. However, I do not think much about God in most other contexts. For instance, you'll notice that I also contribute to the Programming, C&A and P&S sections, and most of my questions and answers there do not treat the topic of God at all.
>do you seek support from other atheists to help you stay firm in your position of disbelief?
Not particularly. But certainly it is advantageous that many people hold these views and are willing to express them. Everyone is more likely to learn things when everyone has the legal and cultural freedom to share their own views and discuss them with others. I wouldn't have it any other way.
This little diatribe displays such of ignorance of Atheism, it's obscene. OK, I hope you're ears are open, but even if they're not hopefully someone amenable to change is reading this and maybe I'll reach that person: Atheism is a position on one issue - namely theism. Theist believe that there is a god or many gods. Some Hindus still believe in several gods. Atheists are exactly like you, I'm assuming Monotheist? Yes? except they believe in one less god than you. They believe in 0 gods. And the only reason they "believe" this is because there has not been presented sufficient evidence to believe it. That's it. There is no dogma to atheism, no set of precepts, no beliefs to follow. When presented with the question "Do you believe in God" they say, "I have not seen any evidence to believe so so no I don't believe it." Please note that this is not an assertion of certainty. Even Richard Dawkins has said that on a scale of 0 to 7 he is 6.9 on his level of certainty there is no god. To assert a 7 would be intellectually dishonest because while there is not any evidence to support the existence of a god or gods, there exists a possibility in the future there will be evidence. So to remain honest he says he's pretty sure but of course doesn't absolutely know. Much more honest, in my opinion, than your assertion of absolute certainty. Now again, this is not for your because anyone beginning their question "Why do you spread lies?" when Atheist make no assertions to begin with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is probably not equipped to reason logically. But for my fair-minded friends out there let's address Dr. McGenius's lies: Atheists assert homosexual marriage is good to go.....ummmmmm.....again how does a lack of belief in God say anything on a position on Gay Marriage. If you believe that a person cannot be doubtful of the existence of god and against the idea of two men or two women getting married, you are so intellectually bankrupt there is no help for you. Wake up! Are you like kidding.......I swear this is a troll. Atheists = people who don't believe in god = abortion is cool. HuH!!!!!!! You are dumb as a post. There are yes! atheists who are against abortion. This must be a revelation for you. The fact that you look at the world in such comic book terms, "Weellll duuhhhhhh all duh communist atheists on dis side and all the good, fun-loving Christian rebublicans on duh udder side...duuuhhhhhhh". I guess you also should ask if there are any Democratic Christians. Of course not! And furthermore why are all Democrats hippie, pot-smoking, Communist Muslims! I ask you, defend your position, Democrats!
Premarital sex is harmless. Is there more evidence that it is biochemically different than married sex? Really? How's that? know what wasted my time. Up yours.
To you anyway
An ovum is living also, but god aborts them by the billions every month.
And like a good fundie you make a statement with no support
Obviously to you, buyt then chances are you are doing it wrong since you do everything wrong
and if that were true you would have a Nobel Prize
You obviously haven't evolved
Stay out of my class rooms and I will stay out of here.
Homosexuality has existed since a long time so it is normal and they shud have a right to pursue happiness as the declaration of independance has written. The Great Flood never happend Noah did not get every animal in the world or build a huge ark and was the only survivor. That is a story there is no proof of this story being true. There was a flood but the place he lived is not the whole world!!!! The ten commandments are very ifffyyy they cant be verified so they are unknown. the story of their cration doesnt make sense. Adam and eve and the garden never existed. U gotta be stupid to think ur god got clay and started blowing air on it to make a man. That sounds ridiculous. It is a story get over it!!!!!! I dont care wut u beleive but u shud educate urself if u want to succeed in life.
Legitime? Well, gay marriage is perfectly fine, especially considering marriage has always been and will always be a governmental thing, not religious. A fetus technically isn't. Premarital is that harmless? Seriously, you're an idiot if you think it's harmful. Masturbation has been proven to be good for your health, don't even try to argue that point. Evolution...everything in existence points to evolution. You're just too much a moron to understand that.
Making pointless assertions won't turn the clock back to 1400.
I'm here because this is one small way I can let U.S. christians know that when push comes to shove, there are many of us here who are going to fight taking the country back to the middle ages.
What I wonder is why christians come here. Won't your ministers answer your questions?
I didn't bother to read your rant. Let's cut to the chase and I answer your question. It is really funny that you call us liars when you and your vocal arrogant kind go around proselytizing to others (even children) about your belief in god as *objective truth* (which it is NOT!). Especially when there are right-wing theists working in our government who wouldn't mind wanting complete control over the rest of people who don't share their views....even over minority groups who simply want to live their lives the way they want to. Now, you can accept your belief as objective truth for yourself all you want to. However, when you go around spreading the *woo-woo* gospel and are not able to demonstrate-(prove) to the rest of us that your beliefs are objectively true...then you are the one lying sugar dumplin. Why don't you go apply being told off by a atheist on your resume.![:) :)](
If you believed in a loving god you would act like it so why do you keep attacking atheists to prove there can be no such thing in your life?
You disgrace Christianity to it's core with your hatred and bigotry!
Do please stop making Christians look so awful!