Is this a good poem so far?? ?

Im 15.i havent finished it but i want to know how it sounds so far??

see the main topic in my generation is sex,an is not even a surprise when you hear who's pregnant next,so your either on the pill or using rubbers but when your in the moment you dont use one or the other,they say "we dont use condoms cause the sensation is f.cking amazing when your entering your lover

So now we have babys having babys .and little girls having to become grown ladys,because he says he'll pull out befor he nuts,an as young minded as they are they say ok with no if's and's or but's,and the chance of pregnacy dosent even cross their mind because as long as he pulls out their suppose ta be fine

But what if things dont go as planned,an you find out your pregnat by this young man,your only fifteen years young already finding out that unprotected sex isnt fun


  • last part not so good. The first two paragraphs were awesome dude, keep it up!

    I also write :)

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