How do i remove a restraining order?

my boyfriend and i was pulled over for expired reg. a few days ago. they found that i was in his car and had a restraining order against him. they cuffed and arrested him. the restraining order was ordered by my aunt when i was 17 and still a minor. i am now 18. how do i remove a restraining order placed by my aunt and how long will the process be? can anyone help.?


  • Go to the family court and ask to have the R.O. put on calendar and request to have the order dissolved. Only you can do it. In the mean time, don't hang with him, so you don't get him in trouble.

    No offense, but Kristen is incorrect. Your boyfriend cannot get the RO lifted. Nor does it have to be your aunt, as you are now an adult. Note however, if the RO also covers her, and her house, and if you live there, he would still be in violation at those locations. If she is kwel with lifting the RO, then you can both, you and your aunt, go get it lifted. You can also ask to have it modified, so it is a no negative contact order too.

  • Restraining orders are put in place and removed by the courts. Find the the paperwork, then call the court on the paperwork.

    The court would not give out a restraining order just because your aunt didn't like someone. Think about her reasons before you attempt to remove the order.

  • All restraining orders expire unless the person who took it out (your Aunt) renews it. I'm afraid your boyfriend has to go back to court in order to have it removed- he is the one who has to do it. Or your Aunt can remove it, but she would have to file court papers to do so and have them approved. Your boyfriend can contact Legal Aid in his community, which will help with the paperwork.

  • Go to court and ask to have it lifted. Until then every time he is in violation, whether you allow it or not, he is going to get in trouble.

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