Do I have a problem?????? ?

I'm 5'3 13 and I weigh 93 pounds. I hate food. The idea of getting fat scares me. I exesize constantly and I'm scarred of fat people and hobos. I in controllable shake when I'm cold or nervouse and just the thought of getting fat scares me. Please help!!! :) thanksssss


  • Think of the fat people as normal ones.They are humans too you know.Think like you are on a desert island and there you can only eat and eat........I'm not so sure this will help you ,but if it does then good.

  • Scared of fat people and hobos.

    Ok I fail to see what hobos have to do with this but your body need food to grow.

    So eat

  • A problem? Uh Ashley u need to eat everyday at least some fruit and a hot dog or burger every 3 hours and keep working out u have no worry at getting fat if u work out and eat some fruit after

  • Yeah, kid, you have lots of problems. Your fear of hobos, especially. LOL!!!!!!!

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