Scar problem? Help!!?
Okay so I've been putting honey on a scar on my face. But I haven't seen much of a difference. I read that it worked..will it start working soon? If not what other home remedies will actually work? I mean, I'm going on vacation on Monday and I really do not want to look bad.
Oh, I got the scar by popping a pimple(NOT A GOOD IDEA) and then when I was straightening my hair I burned it. I let it heal but then shortly became a scar.
Please ONLY suggest things I can find in my home. I am not capable to be going out of the house buying things right now.
cocoa butter, honey, olive oil, lavender essential oil, coconut oil, green tea, lemon juice, milk.
Try some herbal remedies. You can also try a few ance creams. Also if you search up on google about "cover-up as a scar remover". There is a product that will coverup the scar and heal it at the same time. This can be ordered online and are also in stores. Also you can try skin firm creams and that might work because it will heal. Good Luck!
Well there are vitamin E supplments. nature made is the brand. It's a pill will liquid viatmin E inside. Take a tack or a paperclip or something pointy and poke a whole, squeeZe it out and rub I on he scar. It's works wonders. I use it a ton.
You should apply Bio-Oil to the scar twice every second day.
You're supposed to use Bio-Oil twice everyday but if it's applied too often to the face it can cause acne, so I wouldn't advise it.
Good luck!