How do I fix my computer?

On my windows 7 netbook,ever since I installed hamachi (which isn't the problem), my computer shows dialogue boxes with no text and the file names are empty. Furthermore, the pc is incredibly laggy. I then change the theme to high contrast and it seemed to fix the problem but I would really want to get my old themes back and not have a bsod every time I go on google. Please help me, I have system restored twice and both times have been futile. This is my school netbook, so I cannot re-install windows.


I kinda hacked around and got admin priveleges. And I have holidays now so i can't contact the technicians. I have lots of homework.


  • Since it's a school computer and they don't give you full rights over it, I would assume that they have some sort of tech support thing for this. You can possibly even get a temporary computer to work on while they fix it. Just remember to get all your files off of it first if you're able to use memory sticks, externals, or CDs without BSoDing it.

  • Wait so it is the school's computer? If you cannot reach contact, DO NOT TRY ANYTHING. You may be charged legally, so just use a different computer.


  • You have a virus,download Malwarebytes and do s full scan and delete what it finds.

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