How do I pass a drug test? ?

I smoked on 4/20 and i also ate some brownies and I have a drug test coming up. I have heard there is powders to put in drinks, pills and even gells to use but what in your experience works best?

Also I am 4'11 and only weigh 105 pounds


  • It takes about a month for marijuana to leave your system... However I've known people who drank a lot water and passed when taking the test about 2 weeks after smoking. Careful about the amount of water you drink though as you can die from renal failure if you overload your kidneys. Since you ate some of it, I imagine it will be harder to eliminate but that's just a guess. If it's a saliva test, it probably won't show up but if urine, you're not going to have much luck. You could try a detox drink (online, in headshops or try the tea form) but I would buy a drug test kit first to make sure it worked. Otherwise, don't take the test if possible. You won't be criminally charged if you test positive, btw, contrary to the other answerer...

  • Too late now, you'll definitely get caught, and end up locked up now.

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