how does processor heat effect your computer?

i was just wonfering if the processor heat of your computer effects its proformance at all because when i cleaned the heatsink out the otherday things seem to be running alot smoothly. should i put some heat conducting gel on the processor?(i wiped it all off then i changed it)


  • " heat conducting gel"...that's a new one on me! its called Thermal Paste. The best is Arctic Silver 5 use that and you wont have a problem. YES heat effects the performance the hotter the CPU get the less well it performs till it reaches shut down stage...then it either shuts down or dies! That paste is there for a reason so don't neglect to use it. You only need a tiny bit like about the size of a large grain of rice evenly distributed over the entire CPU and on the bottom of the heat sink just were the CPU will touch. And yes..the thermal paste can dry out and be less effective over time, so it is a good idea to clean off the old and replace it.. I do it every 2-3 years on my machines. The cooler you keep the CPU the longer it will last. I have an old 300MHz CPU that's still running! I don't use it any more but I do take the old girl out for a spin once and a while!

  • OMG! Turn your computer off right now! You HAVE TO HAVE the thermal paste on there! Shut down and put thermal paste on the CPU right away or it will burn up! All you need is enough thermal paste about the size of 1/2 of a pea and spread it evenly over the top ofthe CPU. But do shut down NOW and do it and don't wait!

  • Jim is correct. No thermal paste is a REALLY BAD idea.

    If you have an Intel processor, it will slow down to a crawl to avoid overheating. Moden AMD processors have the same thermal protection.

    Older (ca. 2001) AMD processors are much more exciting - they'll literally burn up.

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