Essentials for Car?

Got my first car today, i just want to know what i should have in my trunk?


  • That's a responsible question for someone getting their first car....kudos to you.

    For starters you need something to put your "essential" in and a way to secure those items in place. You don't want flashlights and water jugs rolling around your trunk. You can use a milk crate and a bungee cord or invest in a nice rubbermaid box, etc to store the necessary items.

    You need the following to make a rock-solid kit:

    Standard ratchet set - $15 at Wal-Mart

    Road Flares

    Pack of misc. fuses

    1 gallon distilled water

    Flashlight - recommend the kind you shake to charge


    Standard and Philips screwdriver

    Box of granola bars

    Tire pressure gauge

    Jumper cables

    First Aid Kit

    Can of fix-a-flat

    Necessary items to change a tire (should already be in the car)

    Pocket knife

    A couple hose clamps (universal)

    Duct tape

    Fuel can if you have room (no fuel in it obviously, just the can in case you have to take a walk!)

    That about covers it, I carry a rubbermaid tub with all these items in every vehicle I own. I replace the granola bars about once every 18 months or so.

    I cannot tell you how many times the "kit" has come in handy for myself. It's worth the investment.

    Hope this helps!

  • First Aid Kit. Maps. Water. Small tool kit. And items to help you change a flat just( if your car didn't come with it already.) AAA is a big help too.

  • mrharris got it about the best you can have.There is one problem though,you also need to know what to do with all of these items in case of what ever happens and how to use them. You could add oil , anti freeze,and fuel hose to splice fuel or cooler lines to the list.

  • 1st aid kit, flashlight, bat, shovel, body bag, 3 illegal immigrants, spare tire, anything else illegal that you want to conceal.

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