How to make a soda bottle/can explode as a prank?

I know shaking it up of course but I'm looking to do it NOT right after I shake it up. My plan is to make it explode about an hour or 2 later, and I've tried this before, whenever I shake it up and open it an hour later, it doesn't explode. Is there a way I can make it explode? Remember I'm looking for explosion after a long period of time so no one knows it was me.


  • It doesn't explode because the carbon inside has a chance to settle down

  • If you could get a can or a bottle from a salvage company who deal in road crashes, your on your way. The stored energy from the crash is still in the can or bottle. These cans or bottles retain that energy for yonks

  • A long wick a lot of gunpowder, or a sniper waiting for the right moment

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