Deputy Sheriff Reserve Academy?

what is different from the reserve academy and the normal academy for deputy sheriffs? is there a difference?

btw i live in CA


  • The answer to this depends greatly upon the requirements of the individual department.

    In California, full time peace officers are required to undergo peace officer training to bring them up to an education and training level to certify under the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission - or POST - for front line status under CPC 830 (there are variations of this code [i.e.: 830.1, .2, etc.] for different departments, but the operative requirements are the same). Reserve peace officers and other specified secondary level peace officers, like reserve peace officers and firefighters (yes, they are peace officers in CA), are required to certify under the slightly less stringent requirements of CPC 832. Many academies teach both levels of certification.

    Each department sets its own requirements for their reserve forces depending upon the duties that they are expected to perform. LA Sheriff, for example, uses both types for different purposes. If a reserve deputy is going to be used on a semi-full time format, they would be required to certify under CPC 830.1. On the other hand, reservists that are not regularly utilized may be certified under CPC 832.

    Other states have similar statutes outlining the training and certification requirements for their state.

    I hope that this helps... Good luck!

  • Ok.. He is right but also there is not that much difference in the training.

    There are 3 types of training Level 1, 2, and 3.

    The "Basic" Academy (Level 1), is for full-time officer is Level 1,2 and 3 training modules taught together for 6 months and 5 days a week.

    Reserve officer training is Level 2 and 3. The academy usually runs 6 months long too. Essentially it is the same training minus a few Learning Domains. However, it is taught 3 days a week or may vary depending on the department.

    After completing level 2 you can continue on and get level 1 training. This means you are ready for hire as a police officer. NO more academy unless you go with CHP that is the exception.

    Level 3 training is for Search and Rescue.

    With each level of training you learn the same thing but learn more as you get up to level 1.

    Go to POST.CA.GOV to learn more. You can also order the books need for the academy and print them at Kinko's.. Good luck.

    Here is a list of all the Learning Domains you will learn in LEVEL 1 training.. Remember a lot of it applies to Level 2 training as a Reserve.

    LD 1: Leadership, Professionalism, and Ethics Version 5

    LD 2: Criminal Justice System Version 6

    LD 3: Policing in the Community Version 3

    LD 4: Victimology/Crisis Intervention Version 3

    LD 5: Introduction to Criminal Law Version 5

    LD 6: Property Crimes Version 5

    LD 7: Crimes Against Persons Version 5

    LD 8: General Criminal Statutes Version 4

    LD 9: Crimes Against Children Version 5

    LD 10: Sex Crimes Version 4

    LD 11: Juvenile Law and Procedure Version 5

    LD 12: Controlled Substances Version 4

    LD 13: ABC Law Version 4

    LD 15: Laws of Arrest Version 3

    LD 16: Search and Seizure Version 3

    LD 17: Presentation of Evidence Version 4

    LD 18: Investigative Report Writing Version 2

    LD 19: Vehicle Operations Version 4

    LD 20: Use of Force Version 2

    LD 21: Patrol Techniques Version 4

    LD 22: Vehicle Pullovers Version 3

    LD 23: Crimes in Progress Version 3

    LD 24: Handling Disputes / Crowd Control Version 3

    LD 25: Domestic Violence Version 4

    LD 26: Unusual Occurrences Version 2

    LD 27: Missing Persons Version 2

    LD 28: Traffic Enforcement Version 4

    LD 29: Traffic Accident Investigation Version 3

    LD 30: Crime Scenes, Evidence and Forensics Version 4

    LD 31: Custody Version 6

    LD 32: Life Fitness Version 3

    LD 33: Arrest Methods / Defensive Tactics Version 3

    LD 34: First Aid and CPR Version 4

    LD 35: Firearms / Chemical Agents Version 2

    LD 36: Information Systems Version 3

    LD 37: Persons with Disabilities Version 4

    LD 38: Gang Awareness Version 2

    LD 39: Crimes Against the Justice System Version 4

    LD 40: Weapons Violations Version 5

    LD 41: Hazardous Materials Awareness Version 4

    LD 42: Cultural Diversity / Discrimination Version 5

    LD 43: Emergency Management

    Ps let me know if you have any more question I went through all of the trainig for both Reserve and Full-time.

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