Help please: Paranormal?

Today aroubd 4am I was sleeping on my couch with my 2 year old pitbull. My sis is accustomed to sleeping with the dog everyday having the dog sleep on her bed. So i was dead asleep my sis goes into the living room to get the dog so she can go to sleep with her in her bed. Its around 4am and she says i was awake with my finger pointing dead at her with a mug look on my face. She says i had my finger up for a while. Then I looked dead at her until i moved my body and went to sleep. She was freaked out and scared. I dont have no memory of this happening should I be concerned? I am a 20 yr old male with no practice in the occult just read stuff here and there. Thanks!


  • Idk if it was actually something "paranormal".

    My dad use to walk downstairs to the kitchen, take the gallon of milk upstairs, drink half of it, and not remember ANYTHING the next morning.

    And this one time my mom said i sleeped-walked to the end of the hall & i was just staring at my grandmothers portrait for like 30 minutes and walked back to my room (lol creepy, right?)

    You say you have a pitbull? I've been told that animals can spot when there is a "bad presence" in the room. They either start barking at "it" or they suddenly get really scared and start whining and looking for a place to hide...

    So i think you were just sleepwalking and had no idea what you were doing.

  • This could be random. Many people just do things in their sleep talk, walk, anything. So im not sure that you were being controlled.

  • It sounds like it could be a temporary possession, or or could always be that you were sleep walking

  • Our subconscious can cause involuntary body movement and I believe that is what happen when your sister came to get the dog.................................

  • it probably is just sleep walking..not necessarily paranormal.

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