okay. so right now my hair is all black with bright blue in my bangs/fringe. my parents are divorced but i live with my mom so she doesnt mind my hair. but when i go and visit my dad, he says that i should change my hair bc its a bad look blahblahblah...he once said that he would even pay me to dye my hair all one color and stop teasing it i guess.

well the thing is, i need a new laptop bc the one im using now i can tell is getting messed up and i think its about to crash or something. so im just wondering that if i can make a deal with my dad and say that if he buys me a new laptop, ill change my hair. i know he doesnt like the blue in it so instead i plan on doing something like this:

the chick with the blonde on top of her head. but does that seem like a fair trade? my dad was in the military so hes all about order and fitting in with the crowd(idk????) and other stuff like that. but since i live with my mom, i can look however i want to bc she doesnt care really bc i get really good grades in school. but yeah tell me what you think?? kthxbyeeeeee :3


  • y would you want hair like that, thats worse than the blue. you need some help

  • If you like the way your hair is now, leave it. Don't just have your dad bribe you into doing something you don't want to do. You can always do other things to get money to get a new laptop. But, if your ok with changing your hair, well hey! It means a free laptop. If you live with your mom, and she doesn't mind the hair, then why change it? Since you don't live with your dad he technically doesn't controll your decisions. In my opinion, I would most likely change my hair, just because I wouldn't mind. I don't know if you would. I hope this helped.

  • I think it sounds like a fair trade but I would personally not make my hair look like that. Her hair looks so damaged. And to keep your hair that way it costs lots of money. Why don't you just let your natural hair color grow in. It will be better. You will have healthier hair and you will have more money to do what you want to do.

  • i think a laptop is worth a whole lot more than any haircut. if you want him to actually buy you a laptop i think you should change your hair to whatever he wants. maybe you could pay for like half or somethin and then not worry about changing your hair.

    anyways u look hot lets go rave sometime ^_^

  • Giving up the way forward for the squaddies??? NO They traded B Wright for J-wealthy cuz they needed all-famous individual capacity, no longer some random Perkins guy who will play the bench. they only signed Biendrins, why might they get perkins. This commerce isn't cool.

  • kthxbye?? POSEUR VILLE much??! you are such a f*cktard(X


    ps. i love you bree ;P

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