Ahem: I see a problem!?

I'm seeing people who are telling non-believers that they are stupid, morons, or they are going to Hell. Your jobs in this forum are to tell everyone about the Good News, educate, and assist if needed. Your jobs are NOT to condemn. There are examples of this behavior in the "What do you think of my theory?" thread. I ask that some of you lighten up. Thanks!!!


  • I agree, Jesus led by example. Some people can not handle the fact that not everyone will not agree with them or have the same beliefs.

  • Yuck, I disagree !!! Where would be the fun to just take all the slings and arrows and spout...hmmmmm...whatever it is you want us to spout....

    As I see it...good repartee makes people think....Note: not attacks or name calling..except once in a while for kicks.

    As the man said: the only thing needed for evil to conquer is for good men and women; to say and do nothing. And there is evil here --sister. There are also a bunch of interesting and intelligent people here.

    So, Thanks for sharing...

  • Actually this forum is for asking and answering questions. Yahoo doesn't have a forum for preaching that I am aware of. This Y!A section is for enlightenment of questions regarding religion and spirituality and thankfully is not just for one religion over others.

    BB )O(

  • Thank you so much!!!! So succinct and to the point. Its refreshing to see someone point out that some people need to start following the docterine they preach so much about! I believe the phrase is "Practice what you preach.....". Seems too many people forget that.....

    Thanx again.....

  • A wise man once said "you are to teach the gospel, and if necessary use words". St. Francis of Assisi? :)

  • The problem is this spreading of the "good news".

    If you could only keep it to yourselves things would be a lot more peaceful

  • That is so true. Our job is to share the good news! Not share hate!

  • the Bible says they will know you (you referring to Christians) by your good works

    dogging people is NOT a good work

    God is love and I think that Love is what we are supposed to do...love our enemies and pray for them...

    it is not our place to judge...that right belongs to God and God alone

    be cool...

  • I am totally with you. We should judge ourselves before judging other people’s beliefs.

  • Threats and praises, don't necessarily = truth.

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