The Paranormal/Horror??

Would you say that it can be quite unhealthy to immerse yourself in Paranormal/Horror subjects/topics frequently?

I hope this question makes sense!


  • Absolutely not! I say that because I think it is healthy to question things and try and understand the world around you, look for answers to long - asked questions, even if it is something that is not always widely accepted or believed (isn't Religion a lot like this, too?). The world is not just black and white, there are many shades of gray, but many refuse to see them. It has to be this way, can't be that way, end of story. I, personally, call that closed-mindedness, and that, to me, is unhealthy. In regard to the horror, I think it has something to do with your biological make up -- really! I am a huge fan of horror novels and movies, and I am working on writing my own horror novel for young adults. My family would always ask me why I liked such "junk." Simply put, I am not a risk - taker. I don't live on the edge. I don't have any interest in jumping out of airplanes, bungee jumping, and the sort. Yet, there is a part of me that still needs to fulfill that need for an adrenaline rush once in awhile. So, I prefer to live on the edge . .. of my couch . . . and get the risk taker thrill through books or movies. I hope that makes sense. Maybe I have been too immersed in the paranormal/horror stuff myself. See what can happen to you?? ha ha!

  • Just keep yourself grounded. Theres nothing wrong with having a keen interest in a subject, but dont obsess as it can lead to unhealthy behaviours.

    Also if you widen your knowledge you do yourself a service as no subject is not linked in some way! I mean The old fairy stories are some of the scariest things and deserve to be classedas horror!

    I wouldnt worry too much that you asked this question says that you arent bothered but someone has said something to you to this effect at a guess and it just got you thinking.

    You do what makes you happy! Its not being harmful to anyone ^_^

    Take care

  • It only becomes unhealthy if it starts affecting your daily life. If it is taking over your everyday thinking it might be time to take a break from it. Otherwise it is not different than any other interest such as art or cinema. A pinch of salt is required for 99% of the subject matter. I quite like the attitude of the guy who runs this sight.

  • Curiosity is a wonderful thing. Explore the world and learn all you can.

    I think there are very few interests or activities that are harmful if done in moderation. On the other hand, even seemingly harmless activities can cause problems if one engages in them obsessively.

  • Depends on how accomplished you are at self-induced hysteria. Just make sure there are no guns in the house before you decide to spazz out at 3 in the morning.

  • Of course not. I've been a sci-fi nut all my life, and there is nothing wrong with me.

    Sincerely - Leonard Nimoy

  • I sure hope not.Reading horror novels and watching horror movies are my favorite pastimes.

  • It hasn't done me any harm. Mwwwhahahahahahaha!

  • Too much of anything is harmful--just don't obsess and you should be okay.

  • not unhealthy at all. i watch most haunted, ghost hunters and it doesnt affect me.

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