How do you cut a kittens umbilical cord ?

My cat is due in a few days and i would like to be prepared for this. I am wondering like after you tie floss 1 1/2 inch do you cut on mom side or kitten side ? Also how do you remove an amniotic sac?

One last question how do you pull a kitten out if it is stuck (The articles i have read weren't detailed enough)

Sorry for all the questions i just want to be prepared for worst case scenario


I found kitty abandoned if you want proof i have a video of her. It is of her yesterday i originally posted the vid. to determine her breed..please watch


  • 99.7% of the time there is nothing you need to do. Mom will eat the sac and chew off enough of the cord. In the almost 10 years I've been fostering kittens from a local shelter, and the 20 or so births I've gone through, only once did I have a mom who didn't take care of everything. She took care of most of it, but then left the kittens all over the room (she hid one under a towel)

    there are websites that recommend having dental floss to tie cords off. If you have to do this, you cut closer to the kitten (there is no mom side. The cord goes to the sac)

    You do NOT pull kittens out yourself. You really need to leave this to the professionals. If you feel the kitten is stuck, get your cat to a vet immediately. they have the experience and the resources that if they don't feel they can comfortably pull on the kitten they can surgically remove it. I've heard horror stories of what can happen when you pull and you don't know what you are doing.

  • From what I remember (with a litter of puppies) is it's 1 1/2 inch from kitten side. The sac is removed over the nose/mouth so they can breathe. If a kitten is stuck I would not try to pull it out, in that case call a vet and they will tell you what to do. In fact with any of these questions, give your vet a call. They will want to give you advice and prepare you. As the other answerer said though...the mom cat will most likely figure it out on her own. Just make sure she finds a place she likes and feels safe to have the kittens and she will take care of everything. Try to leave her to it and not meddle, but do be home for her if she needs you. :)

  • This site deals with the stuck kitten question (scroll down aways):

    The Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook says to tear open the amniotic sac starting at the head and working backward over the body, then use an eyedropper or small syringe to remove any secretions, then rub them briskly with a soft towel.

    This link explains cutting the umbilical cord:

    The cat will most likely take care of everything. If you encounter problems, I recommend phoning your local emergency vet clinic.

    Good luck!

  • You do not. The mother cat will do everything on her own. Please do not in any way try to assist in her birthing process by interfering. Her maternal instinct will kick in and she is wired to give birth naturally. The only time that she might need help is if something goes terribly wrong and that is on very rare occasions only.

    Edit : Pregnant at 11 months old. I really really hope you are just a troll.

  • how long are they. i,m a dogs breeder they could desire to dry out and drop off in some days . if longer than 2cm u can decrease them yet to no longer close to to the tummy. yet like i mentioned they're going to dry out and drop off in some days. don,t panic u can im at evil_candy73 if u could desire to communicate. I rather have additionally had litters of kittens

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