How do you remain calm?

When faced with adversity how do you remain calm?

As always I ask this with Metta

(((((May All Beings Find Peace)))))

Thank you for answering


  • calm

    first of all, let's check uncalm.

    what cause uncalm,

    is it anger, greed, or indecisive mind.

    understand the cause, then i will ask myself this:

    "is it worthy to trade my calmness"

    this is how i choose to remain calm.

  • Calmness signifies fulfilment of a containment, the simplest example of which could be that of the surface of a lake. When there is little or no wind in the air the surface stays calm and smooth, mirroring vastness of blue skies during the day, and perfect sphere of the shining moon and all its hectic stars during the night, but when harsher winds start to blow, or when there is some dir turbulence within, the calmness of the surface is broken alongside the inner peace of the lake, and it looses its smooth mirror-like quality to reflect images of heavens above.

    The mind likewise is also a containment - a containment of each individual self. It is calm by default but in its calmness there is state of greater wonder and joy of being, sowing the bittersweet seeds of discontentment, the need water to grow, and that water is knowledge we seek, and when the harvest of our mind come to fruition we reap the fruits of greater fulfilment, greater excitement and therefore an enhance sense of imperfect. The spiritual turmoil that we might feel is often due to our awareness of our spiritual potential, due to being caught between a physical world and a world of our ultimate spiritual fulfilment.

    Life in this sense is a journey that begins when individual self is born, when that individual self finds and becomes aware of its uniqueness, of its own containment. However, this sense of uniqueness also signifies a sense of eternal loneliness of a being, of the one in the crowd of many, and of the distance from home, the clam and peace assuredness of the spiritual purpose of the soul within. Our adversities are caused by our random encounters with contrasting and often fiercely competing purposes of other beings around us that could be both human as well as non-human.

    Our mind that is made to think and feel for us the world we are in into sense is all too often anguished and swayed by foreign the very thoughts and feelings. The rapids of thoughts and torrents of feeling mainly originating from sources initially alien to us, all too often cause thoughts to sway and feelings into fray into confusion. We could stay calm by constant keeping right in our in view the ultimate purpose of life, the purpose of our soul, of the essential fulfilment of our being, and thus having certain knowledge that all the problems and obstacles are the matters of the path we undertook, that they come in the way of our journey towards our purpose, and that overcoming them only means nearing the destination, and not boosting the ego.

  • It is sometimes difficult to do so. But in remaining calm, one must know oneself well.

    When faced with this thing adversity, it's important to be aware of what it is when it is coming at you.

    Awareness is key.

    Be aware of what it is, be aware of what you are feeling. What you believe you want to do.

    Breathe. Feel. Breathe.

    I was presented recently with a situation publicly where someone wanted to physically have an altercation. A chef was angry that I did not like the dish she served me. It was burned and I returned it. She came to the table and got right down in my space, nose to nose and started to hurl insults, picking a fight.

    At one point in my life, I might have heeded this call. But instead, I took a deep breath, checked my feelings about this.

    In the space between breath in and breath out, I realized that this was NOT about me but rather about what was going in within the other person. In that moment I saw what it was I needed to do to diffuse the situation. Compassion stated, "Be rational. Make a rational statement."

    Instead of doing what the chef was inviting, and altercation, I stated clearly, "Why are trying to fight with me? I'm your customer."

    It was the rationality of my words that struck her like lightening. She got right up and walked away.

    Had I not been able to breathe and realize that this had nothing to do with me, I would have been reactive instead of proactive. I would not have seen her from where she was at the time.


  • With great difficulty at times, I was once calm and sunny dispositioned, famed for it, but alas like many here, now life is just one long torment with intermittent respite occasionally..

    Calm Composed Collected I taught in an age ago, sometimes we lose track and the journey is to find our own soul, than any nirvana or eden ...

    Life is Life is life

  • As soon as I loose control and give into my human, I KNOW I have already list the battle. I need a second to prep myself for what kind of warfare I'm entering, and arm myself accordingly. I can use someone elses anger towards them, and it makes me calm to be able to that. Have you ever done this?

  • When we get angry you can feel calmness disappearing.You have to focus and push the anger back down mentaly and keep your thoughts and emotions out of the inner struggle.For thoughts and emotions contribute a lot to these two forces.And a generous glass of wine also helps.haha! Be cool.

  • Its in the way one approaches life in general; either as an interesting state of affairs to be studied; or as an overwhelming, all consuming mass.

  • I usually take deep slow breaths to slow my heart beat down. I also try slow my thoughts and concentrate on the task ahead. It helps to try find out what muscles are tense and try slowly to untense them.

  • I pray to Jesus Christ. For he is Love and Peace to everyone who believes in HIm.

  • I am calm. Only the surface varies.

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