Do Contractors Guarntee Their Work?

It doesn't matter what we have done. Say a light switch replaced. The contractor leaves and we notice it still isnt working because he put the wrong one in. We have to pay him again? One guy put in a new stair rail outside. $100. Next day , rail fell over. He wants another fee to redo it. My Husband says pay them thats the way all contractors are. They scam us. Is This True?


  • Work done by contractors is supposed to be guaranteed within a reasonable frame of time within which they are legally obligated to fix anything that goes wrong. It can be something as simple as a light switch or something more complex like bathroom fittings or an entire staircase. The best way is to have the contractor give you a written statement to the effect of an understanding before entrusting him your work order.

  • no its not its the the contractors that are ***** but it just depends on the contractor you hire and most of the time before they do the work they guarntee

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