dose this make my sister a Sl*t?
If my sister who is currently 19 and turning 20 in december has had sex with 26 people, and shes only ever been in a real relationship with one of those guys out of the 26 dose that make her a slut? and when she goes out at 12:30am to ''chill'' but tells me she isnt going out to have sex, dose the fact that she is going out at 12:30am some times even 3am! make her a slut?
Lol yeah she shouldn't be ashamed to have sex but 26 before she's 20? Maybe she's addicted to it that's more then some people do in a lifetime. Sorry yeah she is
The question (which also provides an answer when you really think about it) is this: why are girls who have sex with lots of men called sluts and yet men who have sex with lots of women called stud?!
No woman should ever be thought of as a slut. Women who enjoy sex with lots of men should not be defined through their high sexual activity, but by their nature, their friendliness to others, their generosity, kindness and thoughtfulness.
The only thing you, as a brother, should be concerned with is ensuring you advise her to take precautions to protect herself from sexually transmitted diseases and to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Other than that, it's not really your business. That is, providing she enjoys what she is doing and is not under any pressure from anyone to have sex with lots of different men.
Yes, she's a slut and a very big at that, no offense though! 26 is just too many!
Yes she's a slut and not a good influence, I think people like her are terrible and they should be sent of to rehab, I hope your ashamed of your terrible sibling, I trust you are a much better person by showing concern.
thats a lot of people yes, but going out at 3 doesn't make you a slut. Well, not neccessarily, it just deoends what you get up to.
yes yes yes! thats deffinetly kinda sluty cause i mean out of those 26 shes only had a real realtionship with 1 thats kinda dirty.
yes. 26 is too many partners before you're 20. but give me her number and i'll have a session of intercourse with her.
look it up.