Is it cheaper to make upgrades to a computer or buy a new system?

I'm thinking of upgrading my computer since more and more programs, games, etc are larger and take more space and power to run. My computer is about 5-6 years old ... Do you think its cheaper to have individual components upgraded or to buy a new model?


Thanks all! Let's take a vote on it!


  • There's not much you can upgrade on a machine that old that is going to make it useful for today. 5-6 years old means you won't have much memory and it's probably DDR2, you've got a single core processor, probably a small hard drive, small power supply, and most likely Windows XP. To replace everything with current components, you'd basically have to toss everything but the case.

    Computers are not selling well these days, so there are great deals all over the place from HP, Acer, Dell, Lenovo, etc. Buy as much computer as you can afford, because that will keep it current longer. I'd try and get something with a solid state hard drive for the O.S., and then a second drive to store all your files.

  • Any computer more than 4 years old almost certainly has an older single core processor, meaning you'll need a new motherboard to upgrade to a good CPU. It would also have older RAM (DDR2 if you're lucky but possibly DDR) which can an expensive hassle to upgrade. If your system was only a couple of years old, then upgrading would be cheaper. But not something from 2005 or earlier.

    Start fresh- much better!

  • eh, it would be better if we have some spec of your computer. 6 years ago, that's 2004. That around the age where we started using pci slots and getting rid of agp slots. DDR2 and so on. It depends if you game alot too. If you do, the you should buy a new computer. If you just need space and power then it's cheaper to upgrade

  • What I tell people is when a computer is that old, and especially if it's laptop. That before I would spend a lot of money to upgrade with the price of computers being as they are today. I would just think about getting a new computer.

  • 5-6 year old? you could upgrade...but there's two major factors in, you may spend the money and not get equipment high enough to reasonably compete with a new machine. Two, Your whole computer has just about reached its normal life span. You may wind up replacing everything as they die off!...then there is the "down time" factor...or the amount of time you computer is out of service while you fix or "upgrade it"! IF your on a very tight budget then you may be forced to upgrade...but if it were me...I'd go new if I could!

  • NO, don't upgrade. When you're computer is that old, you'll save yourself time and money to just buy a computer. Let alone,if they sell technology for it now thats compatible. Its worth upgrading only if youre computer is less than a year old.

  • I think its better to upgrade your system than buying a new one..

  • For that age, I would think a new system would be more value for money.

  • definitely upgrade

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