Do you think PETA is a freakish movement?

I mean I wouldn't be surprised if they advocate bestiality!


  • Absolutely as well being a terrorist organization.

    But the dirty little secret is that ALL these "animal rights" groups (like the Humane Society, and the ASPCA, and almost all other 'animal rescue' groups) are ALL terrorist organizations that want to persecute and murder ANYONE who does not worship animals as gods.

    Those who support such groups, think that killing a not yet "born" Human, is just fine while killing an animal is to them 'severe abuse" .

    Not only that they are the same kinds of NAZILIBS who believe all this antisemitic garbage about

    "the Zionists controlling the world".

    I once saw a blog about a story about some guy accused of animal abuse and he happened to have a Jewish SOUNDING last name.

    Just because of his last name, the liberals were posting things like "This is how JEWS are", and all kinds of antisemitism .

    They spent even MORE time posting the guys home address and phone number and saying "smash his parents heads against the wall till their brains splatter all over the place".

    Not just HIM but EVERYONE in his family they were DEMANDING this, sounding like fanatical rioting Nazis on Crystal Nacht.

    When it comes to their fake concern for animals ((because big liberals like Barbara Streisand (they support her because she is also a Nazilib and a self hating Jew, who very prominently promotes the Nazilib agenda) wear fur and they say absolutely NOTHING against HER or other rich liberals like her.) they suddenly care nothing about Due Process or Constitutional rights or innocent till proven guilty.

    They want the whole FAMILY and all the friends of the accused dead and they say on these blogs that they specifically want no trials.

    Liberals are nothing but bloodthirsty violence loving warmongers.

    This just proves once again that liberalism = Nazism as well as hypocrisy.

    Everyone who works for these "animal rights" or "animal rescue" organizations either feels this way or has friends that do and they think it's just fine making them an accessory to the terrorist fanaticism of the violent liberals.

    Some who otherwise would be conservatives are also supporters of those who are such evil fanatics.

    For example both Sean Hannity and Mark Levin have disgustingly called killing a dog "murder"

    and any sane person knows murder is applied ONLY to killing a human being, NOT an animal.

    Hannity recently had on his show one of these animal wackos and Hannity called this fanaticism "rescue".

    And Mark Levine on his show, one day for one, of many examples; was ranting about something that I only caught the last part of but apparently there was some story about some kind of supposed "abuse" which seemed to be about a horse.

    Now most stories about so called "abuse" of horses are really nothing more then the horse being ridden a bit hard, or being kicked a few times to get them to go or being ridden by someone who is "overweight" ( as if a horse has to worry about someone that is fraction of the horses weight which even the heaviest people on the smallest animal that is still called a horse, are only a fraction of the horses weight) not about starving them to death, or anything like that.

    And Levine was ranting on and on about "abuse" (which according to the Constitution is no more of the governments business then anything else someone does on their private property (other then crimes against people)).

    Then he was praising these fanatics work in "shelters" (they are not fanatics for working there but for the fanatical hatred they have for humans and for the practical WORSHIP of animals, above humans (and if you do not feel that way you will not last long working among those who DO and who like any other religious fanatics, DEMAND you agree with them) calling them "heroes" and other disgustingly praiseworthy, titles.

    Levin hypocritically talks about "taking the country back" while at the same time supporting these totally unconstitutional "animal rights", laws.

    Addition; Chhlu (whatever) is everything he called me and is a typical NAZILIB hater who obviously supports everything I have exposed about his ilk.

  • I think like most Liberal organizations they take a good thing and become fanatical about it and then ruin it.

    Feminism started out to be about equality between the genders but has become about female privilege.

    Civil rights was about equality between the races but became a movement that is merely a tool to paint foes of Liberals as racists and ensuring that minorities continue to feel oppressed by white people.

    Animal rights is the same they started out to keep animals from being treated cruelly but like the above mentioned groups they allowed radicals to take over and ruined the work of those that came before them.

    Radicals have turned these once fine movements into hate filled organizations that separate people instead of bringing them together for a common goal.

    Edit: see Polly's answer as proof of what I say.

    She could have said animals deserve to be protected and I feel eating meat is wrong.

    But no like a typical Liberal she wished harm to humans. I guess in her world it is better to kill humans to save animals than it is to eat animals to feed humans.

  • The fact that rather than make your point with their actual wackiness, you instead invent some odd sexual slur means you're a bigger freak than they are.

    PETA members maybe freaky, but they don't sit about imagining weird sexual perversions.

    On their good side, they have some of the best protesters.

    I might not support their ideas, but I will always support the right of supermodels to get naked to make their points.

  • Working to end cruelty to animals where ever it exsists is NOT a freakish movement... what is "freakish" are those who support or condone such cruely.

  • PETA is next gen terrorism and they r hypocrites they kill bugs all the time eg human worms and bed bugs

  • I don't support abuse of animals but yes they have gone wayyyy off the deep end.

  • People Eating Tasty Animals .....With Gravy!!....MMMMM....

  • I don't know about that,But I do believe they are just another liberal money sucking organization.

  • I do agree with their lists regarding animal testing. I don't want anything tested by spraying in a rabbit's face or anything. They have lists of animal friendly companies on their site......

  • WTF? Bestiality? PETA is about protecting animal rights...and the inhumane way they are slaughtered.

    You obviously have never seen what they do to pigs, cows and chickens---God it's so cruel.

    I wish meat eaters would eat their young--so there wouldn't be so many flesh eaters.

    God Bless Animal RIGHTS!!!

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