How do you rate Ultra clear or ProGold goldfish food?

Specifically, I want to know how these brands work on strengthening the color of goldfish (I have pearlscales). Also, is ultra clear for aquarium tank or just ponds?


  • Progold is ok as far as fish foods go, and it is actually designed to use in your tank not in a pond. Most pond food is floating not sinking food types. It is also designed as an immunostimulant to stimulate the immune system and a probiotic to support the good bacteria in your goldfish's intestinal track. Plus, all the essential vitamins and minerials to keep your fish healthy. Pro-Gold will help reduce constipation, egg binding and will stimulate the immunity system.

    the only thing I do not like about it is it really doesn't have a "color stimulant" or Color enhancers in it. Although it has krill, shrimp and fish its main ingred. is wheat, Spirulina and Alfalfa. Goldfish need a more rounded diet with lots of vit. c. as a color enhancer. I tend to supplement my goldfish's food with oranges, watermellons, green veggies and chicken livers, brine and worms.

    to have a color enhancer, your gold fish need a higher protein diet. (Bugs, worms meats)

    Having over 147 Goldfish and Koi, I tend to mix foods at feeding.

    Ultra clear color enhancer is actually the best way to go. (can be used for both)They do have sinking pellets as well as flake, which if your golds are kept in an aquarium should have sinking foods. I like the ultra clear color enhanced foods. they contain almost 40% proteins and less han 5% in fats which is great for the color. It is also low in ash and fillers allowing your fish to USE the food more efficiently therefore creating less waste.

    Remember to feed your gold fish less, but up to 3 times per day.

  • Pro gold is a good food. Ultra clear can be used in tanks but make sure you have the exact dosage. I personally don't believe in using that stuff, I'd just change more water more often. 50% once a week.

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