what is Luke GOSS email or contact address?

Luke Goss: actor,singer; Goss starred in: Blade II, One Night with the King,The Man,etc.


  • you will need to contact his agent.

  • Don't know email but found these addresses for you:

    Luke Goss

    9 Yards/Roklin Management

    8530 Wilshire Blvd.

    Beverly Hills, CA 90211



    9 Yards/Roklin Management

    (Talent Management Company)

    8530 Wilshire Blvd.

    Beverly Hills, CA 90211


    Phone: (323) 848-8833

    Fax: (323) 848-8649

    Hope helps!

  • Hey, if you get hold of him, tell him I adore his brother!! Sorry, sad old brosette who still holds a candle for Matt, yummy!!!

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