I Have A Braces Problem?

Ok, I'm only 13, and have braces. About 2 years after having my braces, my mom said that my jaw started to stick out and that my tongue looked like it went past my bottom teeth. (I personally don't see it, but hey, I am looking from the inside out) She also said it gave ma little bit of a lisp. I started wearing my bands a special way. Bands are little tiny rubber bands that they can position on the front of your teeth when you have braces. I am currently wearing them so they stretch from my top back molars, to my bottom canine teeth. My mom says it makes those traits dissapear. I forget to wear them a lot though, and whenever I'm not, she always yells at me, or makes fun of my mouth. In a playful manner however, after a while though it does get annoying. I asked her to stop and she said she would if I wore my bands. I started rememberin more, and in the rare events I do forget, she makes fun of them. Even when I take them off to eat. I have to take them off to eat! anyway, I'm getting my bottom braces off soon (in about a month) and I wont be able to wear my bands anymore. If she makes fun of me (Not really makes fun of, but complains and yells at me) what am I supposed to do? I can't help the way my teeth are! I also asked my orthodontist, and he said my jaw sticking out was just bone structure, but that wasn't enough to satisfy her. PLEASE HELP! It's getting to the point where i fight with her. (Verbally) I dont want to. I'm a straight A student, I'm in the National Junior Honor society! What can I do to make it stop?!


  • it's physically impossible for one to wear bands w/o bottom braces. if she still makes fun of you after that i'd say she has a problem. and anyway, you are not supposed to wear your bands in any special way unless you orthodontist tells you to. if your mom is bothering you that much you might want to go to another adult you know, or even just a friend for help.

    anyway, hop thats helps...

  • Just ask her nicely to stop and tell her that if she had been in the room with you 2 years ago, she would know that having braces does change you jaw line and appearance a little. What it does is not only fix the teeth but, any jaw aliment you might need too. Please be patient with us parents sometimes, we have a tendency to forget we were young too. Hang in there, I bet you have got a great smile!

  • Just tell her exactly how you feel and ask her how she would feel if you always made fun of her?

    Sit her down and tell her that she is really hurting your feelings, and that is upsets you a lot (cry if you can).

    Look, she should not make fun of you if it is something that you can't help. Tell her that too!

  • tell her to shut up and stop being bitter about her crooked teeth

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