Um lol Hiccup relief ideas? O_O?

My friend has ad the hiccups all day, and cant get rid of them, he says they its even starting to hurt when he hiccups. >_< i suggested we consulate Y/A to see if YOU had any techniques that work for you


.....please hurry now im getting annoyed by them


  • One thing that always works for me is to drink water from the back of the cup. It's messy, so make sure you stand over a sink.

  • If hiccups have become chronic and persistent (if they last more than 3 hours), it is about time you see a Doctor. It may be too late; the diaphragm may be irritated too much for home treatments to be of any use.

    Hope this answers your question!

  • My home remedy was by drinking water to eased up the frequently contracting diaphragm. I also hear many other ways to treat it such as holding breath to alter the breathing patterns. I've tried these two personally and they both worked in the past.

  • peanut butter usually works.

    or pickle juice.

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