Why do Democrats poke fun at the Tea Party activists?

Calling them childish names like Tea Baggers.

In reality, isn't it the Liberals who "drop to their knees" when they see or hear from their Messiah?

Can we call it "Tea Baggin" for Change"?


  • all those respondents on here who say that "Tea baggers called themsleves that first" are so clueless...they have been watching too much Olbermann and Mad-cow....

    they fear waht they cannot control...

  • Because Tea Party activists are a treat typical politics !

  • The Tea occasion pass does share ideals with many Dems... purely no longer those Pelosi takes place to symbolize. maximum individuals are centrist and have self assurance interior the constrained government provided with the help of our founders. The Tea Partiers are all approximately consumer-friendly experience, precise or left of center. you're able to desire to comprehend, Nancy Pelosi purely can no longer get her head around that concept. do no longer choose her because of the fact she's stupid, you racist sexist Republican pig. remember she comes from San Francisco. the medicine are killing her few remaining suggestions cells. Have pity.

  • They called themselves tea baggers... we just laughed at them for not knowing what the younger generation uses that term for. I don't have a problem with the tea party, I simply just don't agree with them. So what? If you take it personal every time someone disagrees with you, you are going to have a long and difficult life.

  • Um they started calling themselves the "teabaggers" until they found out what it meant, ha ha. I call them the Tea Party, which is what they prefer. And they're funny just because they're funny.

  • They see the demise of the Democratic party coming in November and the end of Obama in 2012 so they are grasping at straws...they really are comical though, lol.

  • You guys were the ones that started calling yourselves Tea Bags. It's not our fault that you're so far behind the times that you had no idea you were naming yourselves after a sexual position.

  • The Tea Baggers called themselves Tea Baggers. STOP LYING.

  • They have no real means of debate. If logic can't work, resort to ridicule.

    The Tea Bag movement should be about spending and not taxes, we are not taxed enough to support this insane spending. It is a dumb name. Puck Deficits!

  • That all these pathetic liberal socialist have is their delusions. Bush made me do it, whine, whine, poor old socialist Marxist me. Oh yeah, they still have Danny Glover.

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