Am I passable as a girl?

I am transgender and was curious if I am passable

Bring on the gay hate.


  • Looking at that pic, I would have never assumed you are not a girl (biologically). You look pretty! And you have to be who you are, and if you feel better looking like a female then it is you and your thing and those who 'hate' you for that, are free to kiss your backside.

  • Why try to be something you at the instant are not? Be your self! I easily have basically elementary 3 MtoF transsexuals. All are ineffective now, one via her very own hand. She looked certainly dazzling in gown-up clothing, yet you won't be in a position to do the procuring or take a bus in feathers, silks and sequins. the different replace into murdered via a guy she'd picked up whilst he got here across the actual fact - a superbly handsome center-elderly guy, via ways, no wild guy. The third is in all threat the main unattractive person, I easily have ever seen – no longer of undertaking of a courting, and that i do no longer propose basically grotesque to look at, a foul piece of paintings, bitter, embittered. All have had to stay a existence interior the shadows, because it have been. you have been spared all that. all of us has to "try to cope". settle for it and you will locate peace of ideas.

  • yes you look like your born as one

  • ....Aren't you a girl? I can't tell the difference. It's almost scary.

  • Yeah, you pass. Hope your voice passes as well as your appearance does. :)

  • so much so i just knocked one off to you

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