psp 3000 vs xbox 360 arcade?

ok my dad says he can buy me a psp but i really want a xbox 360 but he dosent want to buy me the 360 cuz i already have a do i convince him to buy me the 360...

btw im 14

PLEASE help me....


  • Im not really sure how to answer this, but you could always save up the money for the 360 yourself and get the PSP from him for free. Thats what I would do. To convince him, you would just have to tell him that the Xbox is better, has more games, youd get more enjoyment out of it ect. You can always get him hooked on a game later. BTW, my dad is right behind me playing COD4 online right now lol.

  • Ok. umm tell him the psp is just the system itseld. tell him the 360 arcade comes with 5 games and 1 extra game. also u get a control, 256mb memory unit.

  • well xbox 360 arcade is like $200. and i think you could get psp 3000 for like $180. so just tell him that

  • Say that they're the same price and XBOX 360 is an all around better game machine.

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