Myspace Comments do Not work? FULL POINTS!?

It says i have new comments, so i click on the nonification, and then it says nothing. just: zero mesages.

What can i do to fix this problem? I've fiddled with the settings, and tried re-booting my computer. I have a brand new windows vista laptop, and i have high speed internet, so thats all good.

Could it be myspace? Do i need ANOTHER account?




  • It just sounds like a problem with myspace. Wait a day or so and try it again. Maybe you could also try deleting your cookies. You don't need another account, rebooting your computer won't change anything, and I have used myspace on a dial up connection so your internet won't change anything. Just wait a while for their servers to correct the problem.

  • Hmm... You said new comments, and then clicked messages. Maybe try to look for comments under images or something like that. Sorry, but I dont use myspace so I dont know how comments work there, but I am afraid they are not messages.

  • I've had that problem a couple of times. I think it was one of those myspace issues. One time though, I had a friend who left me a comment and for some reason as I was opening it, she deleted it.

  • Maybe you can try completely refreshing the page Ctrl+F5

  • it's a glitch

    myspace is working on fixing it right now

    here's their blog that explains it

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