Do i have a mental disorder?

About a month ago, at night, I started feeling really strange. It was kind of like the way you feel when you're nervous. I felt a little bit nauseous, paranoid for no reason, a little bit of shaking, it felt like my heart was pounding fast when I don't think it was, it was harder for me to breathe and think straight. When I sat down I would feel a little bit of motion sickness, and I felt some kind of weird obsession with the idea of things being unbearable - like as if everything I did was causing unbearable pain to others and that, if this didn't stop, living would be absolutely unbearable. I could not get rid of the feeling that night and had to go for a long walk to calm myself down, but found it hard to fall asleep. The next morning, I woke up fine.

Two nights ago, I started to feel the same way. Again, I went for a walk and finally ended up getting to bed. Yesterday was the same thing, and again, a walk. I called a mental health hotline and they advised me to see a doctor within the next 24 hours. I didn't, but am going to tomorrow. Tonight, it is happening again. I'm very scared and don't know what is wrong with me or how to stop it.

So, like I said, a little bit of motion sickness, paranoia, slight nausea, feelings associated with nervousness, slight dizziness. Very hard to get off my mind. I also have Tourette's syndrome. Any ideas would be very much appreciated. Thank you.


  • There are so many things that can affect the mind that jumping to conclusions would be wrong. You should have a good physical which includes all your hormones being checked. A thyroid problem or any number of glandular issues can bring on those feelings. If nothing physical is found then you can start to to consider it an emotional issue and even then do not read too much into it. People read things and make it worse because only a trained person can make a diagnosis.

    Whatever it is it will be cured and you will get better. Fear will only make it worse but no matter what, you will find you will be alright.

  • Many people feel like this from time to time.

    The feelings you describe sound like you are just ill, you won't have a mental disorder but if you see a doctor then they will tell you for truth I can only guess.

    My advice see the doctor but don't worry, mental disorders have different symptoms, I'm dyspraxic and mine include: Poor spatial awareness, motor learning difficulties, failure to understand sarcasm, I can't distinguish a joking lie from truth, difficulty in walking.

    These things are signs of mental disorders, however they could be more symptoms from tourettes, the doctor will know better than us

  • yeah i agree with the other person about the anxiety attacks, just tell yourself it's gonna be ok and everything is fine and try telling someone else that your ok and just freaking out for no reason and you will notice that its going away and if you feel like your heart is racing all you have to do is get a bad and breath into it and it slows your breathing and heart rate and you will feel soooo much better.

  • it sound like there might be something going on but im not sure what. i really hope you get the answers you need though, because that sounds absolutely terrifying. im so sorry you have to go through this.

    you will be okay. :) <3

  • Why didn't you see the doctor? Go get the help you need. :-)

  • your having anxiety attacks

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