Do girls play video games?

if you have xbox 360 i am not one of those nerds who make fun of girls when they play live


  • i love to play video games, i don't necessarily have the 360, but i have always been a gamer...i do agree that its not that easy to find a real hard female gamer, and that MAY all depend on your location, but i know i LOVE to game, and if i do and I'm a girl then there must be others!!!

    Good Luck!

  • Yes, girls do play video games. My sister plays video games and she's 18 and she's not a tomboy or anything, she's a girly-girl.

    There's a girl Playstation 3 gamer called Pink L. on Yahoo Answers and she plays Call of Duty 4 and whatnot. And I've played some girls Online with Resistance Fall of Man and they were all just as good as me. Never underestimate a girl gamer though.

  • Yeah, why would someone make fun of a girl that plays video games. My sisters play video games all the time. They aren't bad. I'm better, but we aren't talking about me. My girlfriend plays too, and so do her friends, just not as much as me.

  • I don't have a x box 260 but i have a lot of other systems and i love video games even thought people say i'm to old for them i dont' care i love them i could play video games all day.

  • I dont make fun of girls playing xbox live... one time when i was playing call of duty 4... this girl was kicking my butt badly.. lol

  • hell yeah! =D i play xbox 360 live all the freaking time

  • Yes, nearly half of the gaming community is female. They're just quieter about it to avoid getting picked on.

  • Of course they do, I do I just don't broadcast it because there's no point in doing so.

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