If i buy a PDA at verizon do i have to pay $50 extra a month?
I dont want to pay $50 extra a month for broadband access. Could I just not get broadband or do I not have a choice?
Update:To specify, I want the Palm Treo 700p. I was told that if you buy that verizon makes you pay $50 extra a month to go online. I dont care about going online i want to use it as a phone and to be able to text. Is there a way i can get it as a phone and not pay for the internet
Yes, you can buy the phone and decline VCast. VCast is where the extra $50 per month charge for using the internet and downloading vidoes and music.
The only PDA's that verizon sells must come with a package, as they are also phones. They sell special packages though that includes phone usage, and the broadband. (I suggest the Motorola Q if this is the route that you take)
However, if you're looking for a PDA that does not require any additional package, try Circuit City or Best Buy. These will not function as a phone, but you can use them at any free wifi spot online or to check your email, and then later decide if you want to pay for an Internet card.
Either way you go, try a PocketPC PDA. They're set up identical to Windows, and comes with Word, Excel, etc, which makes them very useful for any type of work on the go. (I have a Toshiba, but honestly the HP is a lot better) In order to pick between the two types of PDA, you basically need to decide how often you want to be able to read your emails (if all the time, go the phone route), and whether you want your pda separate or not from your phone. Hope this helps!
Verizon already sends you the 4G LTE sign, your telephone basically wasn't waiting to get carry of it. in case you get a telephone geared up with LTE, it fairly is going to get carry of the snappy speeds you have been paying for this entire time. So no, it won't fee you something greater desirable to enhance to an LTE telephone for the reason that it rather is already lined on your documents plan.