How do I write a Demographics Report for my company?

We sell cars and have Five criteria to use in the report : Gender, Martial Status, Nationality and Income Level and Age.


yes I do, but obviously i can't share it. :)


  • I dont understand why u cant write a report whne u have the criteria and data. Just put the data under the subheads. And if you find some interesting trend from the data highlight it.

    For exmaple, a sample report goes likes this

    Age: Most of the cutsomers of our product are in the range of 20-25 years. The industry customers are in the range of 24-30. So our product is appealing youth. We can capitalize on hit.

    You got give the exact percentages and the numbers in support of the statements you make. Thsi is how u can compete the rest of your report

  • do you have the supporting data?

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