Serious 03 Trailblazer Issue?

I'm a service technician at a small shop and we have an 03 trailblazer with nearly 180k miles on it giving us an issue. The vehicle runs fine at highway speeds and then after driving for about 15 minutes on the highway, the truck feels like it wants to stall and the RPM's drop off sporatically. We've run it up on the portable computer and also the main diagnostic machine and we can't seem to locate the problem. If any other technicians out there have ever had this problem and was able to fix it, let me know as soon as you can because we're stumped. It's not triggering any codes and so other than the usual items you'd change and or check with this kind of problem, we're lost.


  • Fuel pump getting ready to die maybe? I had another customer that had a trailblazer and that what there did just before the pump died. If you tested the pressure it was fine but after running a while the pressure would vary

  • It could also be the fuel filter. After sitting a while the dirt particles could settle to the bottom of the bowl. When driving the particles get stirred up and again attach themselves to the filter media restricting fuel flow. I'd replace the fuel filter first. A lot easier and cheaper the replacing the pump.

  • this might sound crazy but it happened to me try pulling out the vortech solenoid it might be stuck open causing the erratic idle also u may want to make shure the fan clutch is working properly there is a sensor to the fan clutch that if it goes bad the engine will start going crazy those trail blazers are a pain in the **** i own one and i have been thru alot of problems with mine its an 02 with 190,000 miles on it if all else fails mayby it is the fuel pump

  • well it could be the fuel pump however i doubt it.. check the fuel lines make sure they aren't getting too hot.. if they are getting too hot then the gas will vaporize in the line not allowing it to get properly injected.. also check the transmission fluid for metal shavings.. it might be winding up

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