Do monolgues contain dialogue?

I have to write a monologue for English and i have included my character talking to someone who she meets in the present tense. Is that allowed or is a monologue just were the main character talks?


  • think of a monologue as thinking out loud. you don't really expect anyone to answer you back. you can have your character talking to someone so long as the "someone" does not answer nor is he/she expected to answer.

  • monologue is just when the main character talks. you can address someone else, i guess, but i don't think you are allowed to play a bunch of different characters by yourself in a monologue.

  • I thought monologues were scenes where the character just talks as if he were talking to himself. I don't think they have dialogue between two characters. Plus mono is it's only including one character.

  • I believe a monologue is only 1 person speaking.

  • If a speech is directed towards another person (without the other person speaking) it is a monologue. If nobody else is there, it is called a soliloquy

  • MONOlogues are one-character speeches.

  • Mono = 1 person

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